From classroom materials to the latest in education news, we're equipping you with the resources you need. Learn About Us
The heart of NMSI's work is in partnership with communities, school leaders, teachers, parents and students.
From classroom materials to the latest in education news, we're equipping you with the resources you need.
We're grateful to our passionate supporters who help to expand our reach and impact.
We model life-long learning by including independent research in our work. That lets us measure the impact of our programs and continually evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the educators and students we serve.
Multiple studies reveal that NMSI programs are equipping students with the tools they need to excel beyond their peers. NMSI is committed to using evidence-based practices to evaluate our programs so we're supporting students with the most high-quality and effective methods possible.
Alabama students whose teachers used NMSI's Laying the Foundation materials and instruction scored significantly better on ACT Aspire math and reading assessments than students of teachers who didn't receive LTF training. (2017) View the Report
Students taught by UTeach teachers perform significantly better on math and science tests. (2016) View the Report
Schools in Colorado and Indiana saw positive outcomes on students' mastery of college-level material after participating in NMSI's Advanced Placement Training and Incentive Program (now called College Readiness Program). (2015) View the Report
High school students at more than 250 College Readiness Program partner schools signficantly increased the number of AP exams they're taking, and the courses in which they achieve mastery of college-level material. (2015) View the Report
Students participating in APTIP (now called College Readiness Program) had higher rates of mastering college-level material and remaining in college beyond their first and second years, and earned higher wages. (2014) View the Report
Students participating in APTIP (now College Readiness Program) attended college in greater numbers, had better college GPAs and increased rates of remaining in college beyond their freshman year. Black and Latino APTIP participants had higher college graduation rates. (2010) View the Report
APTIP (now College Readiness Program) students increased the number of AP courses and exams they take, had higher SAT/ACT scores and increased college admissions. (2007) View the Report
Students had higher rates of enrollment in AP math, science and English courses, and had increased mastery of college-level materials, when going through APTIP (now the College Readiness Program). (2010) View the Report
CRESST conducted an independent evaluation of the impact of the CRP on students’ AP outcomes using a randomized cluster trial with 48 CRP schools and 48 Comparison Schools in 10 states. The evaluation of the CRP consisted of three parts: (1) measuring the program’s impact on selected student AP exam outcomes, (2) determining the impact of the program on school perspectives and culture, and (3) assessing of the fidelity of implementation of the CRP at the school level. View the Report