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Face of Equity in STEM

Michelle Stie, vice president of teaching and learning for the National Math + Science Initiative, is a classroom teacher by heart and training and was a teacher for 18 years before joining NMSI 10 years ago. She recalls attending professional development events where she was introduced to NMSI’s resources and instruction. “Their resources made a profound difference in how I approached teaching, especially for students who had been instructionally marginalized.”

Stie leads the team that develops NMSI’s STEM educator professional development solutions and programs. They recently developed a curriculum with Deloitte around its SMART Rover project, which will bring SMART Rovers exclusively to Title 1 schools and train hundreds of teachers how to use the rovers to teach math and science standards. “This will hopefully excite students about engineering, robotics, and coding, and our training will help teachers effectively integrate it into their classrooms, engaging students in all the possibilities of STEM,” Stie says.

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