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Eight (8) more public high schools will participate in the ninth cohort of AdvanceKentucky, which supports schools in implementing the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) College Readiness Program (CRP). Today the Cohort 9 high schools being recognized before the Kentucky Board of Education are: Boyd County, Campbellsville Independent, Central (Jefferson County), Elizabethtown Independent, Fleming County, Mason County, Nelson County and Thomas Nelson (Nelson County). Among their 6,200 students, 53 percent are eligible for free/reduced lunch and 21 percent are minority (African American and Hispanic).
 AdvanceKentucky provides content-rich teacher training and extensive support and incentives for students to achieve scores on Advanced Placement (AP)* exams in math, science and English (MSE) that can qualify for college credit. The AP MSE subjects served are Calculus, Computer Science, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, English Language and English Literature. Cohort 9 schools are projecting 2,400 AP MSE enrollments for 2016-17, representing a 109 percent increase above the previous year.
 Since 2009, every AdvanceKentucky cohort of high schools has experienced dramatic first-year increases that have well outpaced national rates. AdvanceKentucky students have earned significantly higher ACT scores. Upon high school graduation, they have gone to college at higher rates and earned higher GPAs each year in college. Significantly fewer AdvanceKentucky students have taken remedial classes in college. These patterns hold true among low income and minority students who traditionally have been underrepresented in AP.
Click here for the list of the 109 AdvanceKentucky schools to date. Schools interested in applying to AdvanceKentucky for Cohort 10 starting in 2017-18 may access application materials online.