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NMSI Launches STEM Desert Campaign

The National Math and Science Initiative capped a monumental week by formally announcing a national campaign to properly define, identify and eradicate STEM deserts in the next 10 years. 

CEO Matthew Randazzo addressed the campaign at the Excel In Ed National Summit and then spoke with Education Week about the effort. He also announced that GreatSchools is the first partner in this campaign. NMSI is looking for additional partners from all sectors of the country's corporate, nonprofit and philanthropic communities.

Students who do not have access to high-quality, rigorous math and science education are at unfair disadvantages before they graduate high school. That impacts their futures, as well as our national prosperity.

"The idea of putting a spotlight on some of these STEM deserts that exist throughout the country is a recognition that it is going to take many aligned contributors from philanthropies to school districts to corporate philanthropy to identify where these massive opportunity gaps are and, strategically in partnership with each other, scale rigorous STEM opportunities," Matthew told Education Week.